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Attention! There are currently mails in circulation, supposedly from Google, which state our mail domain as the sender. Please do not open the links in these mails under any circumstances! Please use the possibility to report these mails as phishing in your Gmail account. Thank you for your cooperation!

Attention - phishing emails from Google with our sender in circulation - find out more

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Configure the payment types in the JTL Shop backend

Integration variants for the payment types

We provide a variety of fully integrated solutions (credit card, direct debit and prepayment API), or alternatively you can use our event/web solution with our payment windows. Depending on the integration variant, the desired payment methods will be are available to you

Activates the payment type in the shop under Storefront → Overview

Activate/Deactivate JTL Payment Plugin

Variant A Payment before order completion = = YES

Storefront → Checkout → Shopping cart / checkout → Order completion → Completion page after external payment = Completion page.

Variant B Payment before order completion = = YES

Storefront → Checkout → Shopping cart / checkout → Order completion → Completion page after external payment = Status page.

Variant C Payment before order completion = = NO

Storefront → Checkout → Shopping cart / checkout → Order completion → Completion page after external payment = Status page.

Variant D Payment before order completion = = NO

Storefront → Checkout → Shopping cart / checkout → Order completion → Completion page after external payment = Completion page.

Verfügbarkeit der Zahlungsart in den jeweiligen Varianten

Credit card API, direct debit API
available for:


Prepayment API and WEB
available for:


Credit card WEB, direct debit WEB, Sofort WEB, PayPal WEB, Paysafecard WEB, Paydirekt WEB
available for:


HandyPay WEB, Call2Pay WEB
Only available for digital content:


Plug-in configuration

Plug-ins → Micropayment Plug-in
JTL Plug-in configuration

Settings for the individual fields in the Micropayment configuration mask:

Project ID
Open the project in the Micropayment ControlCenter under Configuration → Projects and copy the project ID listed there.

Micropayment plug-in configuration settings

Access key
You can find the access key in the Micropayment ControlCenter under Configuration → Access key.

Configure the Micropayment access key

Test mode
Activates or deactivates test mode

Theme template
The themes X1 (default) or X2 are available for to be displayed for redirections. You can find more information in the Micropayment ControlCenter under
Help → Payment window & themes.

Micropayment web solution theme layout

Micropayment domain
depending on your Micropayment account number, select Micropayment GmbH (.de) from numbers ranging from 0-49999 orMicropayment AG (.ch) for numbers ranging from 50000-99999.

Logo in the payment window
You can store your own logos (Theme X1 only) in the Micropayment ControlCenter (Tools → Payment window images) and enter the gfx code here.

Background colour
Enter a different colour code (hex value) here if required. You can find more information in the Micropayment ControlCenter under
Help → Background image.

Background image
Set the background image for redirections here. You can find more information in the Micropayment ControlCenter under
Help → Background image.

Assign payment types

Storefront → Delivery options:
Select “Edit” to assign the payment methods to shipping. Once assigned, they will appear in the checkout process

JTL Assign payment types